The goal of ergonomics is to prevent injuries and discomfort that happen at work.

  • Ergonomics is the design of work tasks to best suit the capabilities of workers.
  • Ergonomics can help reduce or eliminate work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) and other injuries and improve safety.
  • Ergonomics programs provide guidelines for reducing workplace risk factors, which can lead to reduced workplace injuries.

In a report issued last month (April 2024) from NIOSH on its findings with regard to ergonomic and musculoskeletal evaluation of a logistic facility in Georgia, the agency made recommendations that can be used as a blueprint for any type of facility.

The agency reviewed employees tasks which included picking, packing, processing, storing, loading, and unloading.

During the visit to the facility, which employs 492, NIOSH completed the following activities:

  • Observed work processes, practices, and workplace conditions.
  • Measured workstation heights and took pictures of workstations.
  • Interviewed 43 employees about their work and their health. These included distribution process workers, material examiners, material identifiers, and work leaders. Interview topics included job tenure, job tasks, relevant medical history, and musculoskeletal health symptoms and concerns.

Their recommendation to reduce risks for musculoskeletal disorders include:

Make sure that hand working heights on conveyors range 38″–49″. Also, consider where the employee handles the load, that is, at the top, middle, or bottom of the item.

  • Reach distances should range 11″–22″.
  • Provide tools, such as hooks, for employees to bring items closer without reaching.

Provide workstations that adjust for sitting and standing based on employees’ job demands.

  • Standing workstations are recommended if the job includes heavy lifting, long reaches, or frequent walking.

Adjust these as follows:

  • Standing hand working heights should have an adjustability range between 38″–47″ or fixed at 42″. The display viewing height (top of screen) should have an adjustability range between 58″–71″ or fixed at 66″. Viewing distance should have an adjustability range between 18″–30″ or fixed at 23″.
  • Parts bins used during standing work should be placed in front of the employee. The reaching distance to the bins should be less than 16″. The bins’ vertical height should be 24″–70″.

Seated workstations are recommended if the job is visually demanding. Adjust these as follows:

  • Seated hand working heights should have an adjustability range between 27″–36″ or fixed at 36″. The display viewing height (top of screen) should have an adjustability range between 35″–46″ or fixed at 46″.
  • Seated workstation clearance should be greater than 18″ for knee depth and greater than 30″ for knee width.
  • Parts bins used during work should be placed in front of the employee. Reaching distance to the bins should be less than 16″. The bins’ vertical height should be less than 46″.
  • A height adjustable chair with footrest can be provided, if needed.

Reorganize stock and place all large items on pallets to make it easier for employees to use material handling equipment. Heavy items should be placed on lower racks to make it easier for two-person lifts.

Provide anti-fatigue mats for employees who usually stand as part of their job.

  • Mats should be at least 0.5″ thick. They should have an optimal compressibility (firmness) of 3%–4% and beveled edges so they are not tripping hazards. They should be at least 8″ under a workstation to keep standing surfaces even.
  • Mats should cover the entire area that employees move in while performing their job tasks. They should be replaced when they appear worn out or are damaged.

Spencer-SHE has been providing Safety, Health, and Environmental Compliance Guidance since 1980. Our team can assess and recommend issues to eliminate discomfort and risk of injury due to work.

Contact us here to help you to develop and maintain a safe and healthy workforce.
